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Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium Strategy Statement

This statement details our school’s use of pupil premium (and recovery premium for the 2023 to 2024 academic year) funding to help improve the attainment of our disadvantaged pupils.

It outlines our pupil premium strategy, how we intend to spend the funding in this academic year and the effect that last year’s spending of pupil premium had within our school.

School Overview

Detail Data
School name °ÄÃÅ¿ª½±½á¹û
Number of pupils in school 1208
Proportion (%) of pupil premium eligible pupils 41.4% of students from Year 7 to Year 11 are eligible for pupil premium. 40.1% of students from Year 7 to Year 13 are eligible.
Academic year/years that our current pupil premium strategy plan covers (3-year plans are recommended) 2021 – 2024
Date this statement was published 07/11/2023
Date on which it will be reviewed 01/09/2024
Statement authorised by Mrs Holloway
Pupil premium lead Mr Hafiz
Governor / Trustee lead Mr Selkirk

Funding Overview

Detail Amount
Pupil premium funding allocation this academic year £426,420
Recovery premium funding allocation this academic year £114,540
Pupil premium funding carried forward from previous years (enter £0 if not applicable) £0
Total budget for this academic year

If your school is an academy in a trust that pools this funding, state the amount available to your school this academic year



Part A: Pupil premium strategy plan

Statement of intent

At °ÄÃÅ¿ª½±½á¹û, our aim is to improve the academic outcomes for disadvantaged students so that their long-term outcomes and opportunities improve considerably.

With outcomes which compare very favourably with all students nationally at this stage, we aim to close the in-school gap between disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged students.

We wish to ensure that the use of the Pupil Premium fund puts provision for this group of students as an ongoing key priority for the school.

We are determined to raise aspirations of disadvantaged students allowing all students to succeed academically and move on to further education regardless of their socio-economic circumstances.

We will look to provide the best quality classroom experience and provide the additional support (both academic and pastoral) which will allow individuals and groups to excel.


This details the key challenges to achievement that we have identified among our disadvantaged pupils.

Challenge number Detail of challenge



Curriculum Engagement – disadvantaged students can struggle to engage with the curriculum in the way that their peers may engage, due to:

  • Literacy and numeracy barriers
  • Lack of cultural capital to contextualise their learning
  • Lack of resources and financial barriers



Wellbeing – the well-being of disadvantaged is a challenge which manifests itself as:

  • Lower motivation
  • Poor resilience
  • Lack of confidence



Low aspirations – disadvantaged students are less aware of possible pathways than their peers which may include:

  • Access to further and higher education
  • Vocational routes


Most able disadvantaged students – this group of students have underperformed compared to their non-disadvantaged counter parts. Barriers may include

  • Poor study habits/ environments
  • Lower aspirations and motivation
  • Ability of guardians to support and guide adequately

Intended outcomes

This explains the outcomes we are aiming for by the end of our current strategy plan, and how we will measure whether they have been achieved.

Intended outcome Success criteria
The intended outcomes for disadvantaged students improve. The Progress 8 and Attainment 8 scores for disadvantaged students are higher than the national average for all students and non-disadvantaged students. There is a 3-year upward trend both for Progress 8 and Attainment 8. The in-school gap for disadvantaged students in progress and attainment has closed.

The gap in reading ages for disadvantaged students is reduced.

The quality of classroom provision improves The proportion of good and outstanding lessons improves.

Teachers and all support staff are fully informed of the strategies to deliver effectively for disadvantaged students. Clear use of disadvantage protocol within departments and disadvantaged students are identified on seating plans.

CPD and strategies for improvement is evidently based on national and international research.

Provision for disadvantaged students is explicitly evident and given high priority within quality assurance feedback and discussed in half-termly Raising Attainment meetings.

Stakeholder feedback from disadvantaged students and their families indicates strong support for the classroom experience.

The wellbeing of students is fully supported Disadvantaged students report high levels of wellbeing in school surveys.

Students receive pastoral care which meets their needs throughout their school career.

Disadvantaged students are exposed to other adults and cultural experiences which support their resilience and motivation.

Destinations for disadvantaged students shows ambition The curriculum choices at Year 9 and Year 12 for disadvantaged students are informed by ambitious destinations.

The proportion of students applying to Russell Group universities and universities beyond the City increase.

The proportion of students applying to higher level apprenticeships improves.

Improved outcomes for Higher ability disadvantaged students The proportion of highest grades for disadvantaged students improves and the gap between the most able disadvantaged and the most able non-disadvantaged is closed.

Activity in this academic year

This details how we intend to spend our pupil premium (and recovery premium funding)

this academic year to address the challenges listed above.

Teaching (for example, CPD, recruitment and retention)

Budgeted cost: £324,569

Activity Evidence that supports this approach Challenge number(s) addressed
Use of TLC sessions to improve the quality of teaching and learning.

Use of National College webinars to ensure all colleagues are aware of up-to-date teaching and learning strategies.

Whole school/collaboration days CPD on literacy, metacognition and teaching and learning strategies to raise expectations and attainment

Covering a wide range of the EEF strategies to raise attainment

1, 2 & 4
Wide use of additional teaching staff in all subject areas to support planning, delivery and assessment Supports the EEF identified strategies of:

  • Feedback +6
  • Individualised instructions +4
  • Mentoring +2
  • Small group tuition +4
  • One to one tuition +5
  • Reducing class sizes +2
  • Oral language interventions +6
  • Reading and comprehension strategies +6
  • Teaching assistant intervention +4
1, 2 & 4
Wide use of learning support assistants across the curriculum and ability groupings Supports the EEF identified strategies of:

  • Small group tuition +4
  • Mentoring +2
  • Use of teaching assistants +4
1, 2 and 4
Literacy and reading focus to improve reading ages of disadvantaged students Supports the EEF identified strategies of:

  • Oral language interventions +6
  • Reading and comprehension strategies +6
  • Phonics +5

1,2 & 4
Support provided for Learning Leaders to ensure barriers within departments are overcome Supports the EEF identified strategies of:

  • Peer Tutoring +5
  • Metacognition +7
  • Mastery learning +5
  • Feedback +6


Targeted academic support (for example, tutoring, one-to-one support structured interventions)

Budgeted cost: £81,151

Activity Evidence that supports this approach Challenge number(s) addressed
Access to laptops and internet access in school and at home Supports the EEF identified strategies of:

  • Digital technology
  • Homework
1 & 2
Post 16 tutoring of younger students in key areas Supports the EEF identified strategies of:

  • One to one tuition
  • Peer tutoring
2, 3 & 4
Subsidies for all school visits and experiences to build cultural capital in the widest sense

1 & 3
Subsidised revision materials for students in Years 10 and 11 Supports the EEF identified strategies of:

  • Homework
1 & 2
Targeted intervention beyond the school day to meet key needs Supports the EEF identified strategies of:

  • Extended school time
  • Feedback
  • Collaborative learning +5
1 & 2
Literacy intervention sessions in all year groups Supports the EEF identified strategies of:

  • Improving Literacy and numeracy

1,2 & 4



Wider strategies (for example, related to attendance, behaviour, wellbeing)

Budgeted cost: £135,240

Activity Evidence that supports this approach Challenge number(s) addressed
Focused EWO support to ensure all attendance issues addressed quickly 2 & 4
Focused pastoral manager support and identified pastoral programmes to provide a key worker and guidance and additional support Supports the EEF identified strategy of:

  • behaviour interventions +4
  • mentoring +2
  • social and emotional learning +4
  • Parental engagement +4

2 & 3
Priority support through Trust based behavioural programs including withdrawn provision Supports the EEF identified strategy of:

  • behaviour interventions +4
  • mentoring +2
  • social and emotional learning +4

2 & 3
Priority CEIAG support including one-to-one consultations and readiness for work Supports the EEF identified strategies of:

  • aspirations intervention
  • mentoring +2
  • social-emotional learning +4
2 & 3
Engagement with Aspire to HE in all years with targeted NCOP students Supports the EEF identified strategies of:

  • aspirations intervention
  • mentoring +2
  • social emotional learning +4
2 & 3
Priority support through school nurse to address health and well-being concerns Supports the EEF identified strategies of:

  • social-emotional learning +4

Total budgeted cost: £540,950

Part B: Review of Outcomes in the Previous Academic Year

Pupil premium strategy outcomes

This details the impact that our pupil premium activity had on pupils in the 2021 to 2022 academic year.

Intended outcome Success criteria Impact/ Evaluation


The intended outcomes for disadvantaged students improve.

The Progress 8 and Attainment 8 scores for disadvantaged students are higher than the national average for all students and non-disadvantaged students

The in-school gap in progress and attainment has closed

The gap in reading ages for disadvantaged students improves

For the academic year 2022-2023

Average progress 8 score gap between disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged students was -0.06

Progress 8 score for disadvantaged students is +0.5 compared to non-disadvantaged +0.5.

Average attainment 8 score gap between disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged students was -0.5

Average attainment 8 score per student for disadvantaged was 4.7 compared to 5.2 for non-disadvantaged students.

The average national progress 8 score for 2022-20-23 for disadvantaged students was –0.57. This means at °ÄÃÅ¿ª½±½á¹û Disadvantaged students achieved about 1 grade higher than national average.

The average national attainment 8 total point score for 2022-2023 for disadvantaged students was 3.95. This places °ÄÃÅ¿ª½±½á¹û 0.75 points above national average.

This places °ÄÃÅ¿ª½±½á¹û well above national average for both progress 8 and attainment 8 for disadvantaged students.





The quality of classroom provision improves

The proportion of good and outstanding lessons improves

Teachers and all support staff are fully informed of the strategies to deliver effectively for disadvantaged students

CPD and strategies for improvement is clearly based on national Ìýand international research.

Provision for disadvantaged students is explicitly evident in quality assurance feedback.

Stakeholder feedback from disadvantaged students and their families indicates strong support for the classroom experience.

Every lesson in the academic year 2022-2023 was at least good with a significant proportion of outstanding practice.

Departments have embedded a disadvantaged protocol which highlights departmental strategies currently used by teachers to raise attainment of disadvantaged students.

The school uses the EEF toolkit to develop CPD strategies for all students including disadvantaged students.

The school is committed to the EFA project ‘Embedding Formative Assessment’ for CPD over the next two academic years to improve outcomes of all students including disadvantaged students.

The school has employed a Disadvantaged Lead who will monitor the progress of disadvantaged students in key meetings as well as within the quality assurance program.

Departments report on disadvantaged students after termly data collections.




The well-being of students is fully supported

Disadvantaged students report high levels of well-being in school surveys.

Students receive pastoral care which meets their needs throughout their school career.

Disadvantaged students are exposed to other adults and experiences which support their resilience and motivation

Dedicated pastoral and academic managers for each year group monitors all student groups including disadvantaged students.

Dedicated student support teams monitor classroom behavior of all student groups including disadvantaged students.

Disadvantaged students have opportunities for guest speakers to help raise aspirations. They are supported in trips and have good representation in external programs.



Destinations for disadvantaged students shows ambition

The curriculum choices at Year 9 and Year 12 for disadvantaged students are informed by ambitious destinations.

The proportion of students applying to Russell Group universities and universities beyond the City increase.

The proportion of students applying to higher-level apprenticeships improves.

A dedicated CIEAG Lead conducts one-to-one interviews with all students including disadvantaged students.

Form tutor discussions and CIEAG discussion ensure destinations are ambitious.

Curriculum choice for Year 10 and Year 12 allows students to achieve and make good progress.

100% of disadvantaged year 13 students went onto higher education at university studying a range of degrees.

No disadvantaged students went onto higher-level apprenticeship courses.

Improved outcomes for Higher ability disadvantaged students. The proportion of highest grades for disadvantaged students improves and the gap between the most able disadvantaged and the most able non-disadvantaged is closed. In the academic year 2022-2023 the attainment 8 score for HPA disadvantaged students was 6.64 and the progress 8 score was 0.14. For Non-disadvantaged HPA student’s attainment 8 was 6.81 and for progress 8 it was 0.23.

There is gap of -0.17 for attainment 8 and -0.09 for progress 8.

In the academic year 2021-2022 the attainment gap for HPA was -0.41 and the progress gap for HPA was -0.6 compared to non-disadvantaged students.

The gap between HPA disadvantaged and Non-disadvantaged students has significantly reduced.

Externally provided programmes

Please include the names of any non-DfE programmes that you purchased in the previous academic year. This will help the Department for Education identify which ones are popular in England

Programme Provider
Breakfast provision National Schools Breakfast Programme
National Citizenship Service Catch 22
Aspire to HE ÌýUniversity of Wolverhampton
NACE challenge award NACE
Genesis Sun programmes Genesis Sun
Schools Inclusion programme AST